Kitty Kat
About time
I wrote you a rhyme
My precious darling
I leave you seething and snarling
What a tease I am
I keep trying to capture you on cam
I go AWOL for days
You hate my inconsistent ways
You know I love you
And we are a crew
You give me the silent treatment
And make me grovel and lament
That I broke your heart
For the many days we were apart
You yearn
But also burn
When you see me
Approach you shamelessly
Without guilt or apology
But you are a little sweetheart
You melt, forgive and again we start
The heavy petting, kibbles and more
Conversations galore
You are most at peace when you cosy up
Snuggle, curl, purr and stick like ketchup
The best is when you snooze on my lap
Deep sleep, picture perfect, ideal for a snap